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conditions of appointment中文是什么意思

用"conditions of appointment"造句"conditions of appointment"怎么读"conditions of appointment" in a sentence


  • 职工委用条件


  • Conditions of appointment
  • The terms and conditions of appointment , of the person appointed to be the commissioner
  • The appointment and conditions of appointment of the senior executives , including the chief executive officer ( ceo ) , of the mtr corporation limited ( mtrcl ) , which is a listed company , are matters for decision by the corporation itself
  • As mentioned above , the mtrcl is a listed company and the appointment and conditions of appointment of its senior executives , including their appointments in other commercial organizations , are matters for decision by the corporation itself
  • Candidates who score well on the on - site visits are appointed when both parties agree to the investment guidelines , the fee structure and the terms and conditions of appointment . appointments by the exchange fund have been a major factor in attracting top global fund managers to hong kong
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